Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Music in Our Lives

Have you ever caught yourself moving to the music without even realizing it? Music influences our lives whether we realize it our not. I really enjoyed class when we were talking about Samba and Salsa music.  Dr. Mack said something that I keep thinking about.  He said, “Music is about a mood.”  As I have been pondering that, I think he is exactly right.
I went on a field trip with my son to listen to a symphony. The director was teaching the kids how to appreciate and understand the music. He played the music from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice when the kid is trying to clean up the room with magic and the magic gets out of control and all chaos breaks loose. The director told the kids that as the music starts out it is kind of fun and playful that is when the young apprentice is starting to experiment with the magic.  Gradually the music will progress and become quicker, this is when the magic is getting out of hand and the cleaning equipment is creating chaos.  He had the kids imagine the story in their heads as they proceeded to play the song.  The music expressed the moods in the movie to help the children create the story.
Music also helps with our moods when we exercise.  Zumba has become a very popular form of exercise and it has a lot to do with the fast music with a good rhythm that people want to move to.  People get a good workout while having fun. Runners also listen to music that has a quick beat to keep them moving.

Music influences our moods so much, it is important that we make sure we are aware of what we listen to.  If we are listening to any music that is angry, we will tend to be angry.  If we are listening to more mellow music, it will help us remain calm.  Music is very important.

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