Tuesday, January 15, 2013


“Man is the only being who knows he is alone, and the only one who seeks out another.” 
(Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude, 195)

Life is about perspective.  If we look at the picture above, what do we see?  Some people might look at the picture and assume that it is a picture of an old hag.  Which is correct, but is that all there is to the picture?  We need to change our perspective or way of thinking to be able to see the young lady.

Life is this way.  We can choose to see it one way or see it another.  It is all about perspective.  When I came across this quote, it reminded me of an experience my son had starting Junior High this last fall.  It was a new school, new schedule and new students.  For a 13 year old that is very scary.  For those first few weeks, he would come home very sad and lonely.  He felt that all of his friends no longer wanted to be friends and all the other kids already had friends and were not interested in being his friend.  Even at church functions he was all alone while his friends would hang out together.  We even had his scout leaders come to us concerned about him.

As a mother, I wanted to help him.  I had to convince him that he was so focused on being alone that he couldn't see the opportunities to meet new friends.  Each day, I would challenge him to say "hi" to someone new.  At scouts, I would challenge him to force himself to be happy and outgoing.  As his focus changed from himself to others, so did his attitude.  He soon found himself meeting new friends and enjoying school and those around him.

Like the quote mentioned above, my son was the only one aware that he was alone, but he was also the only one that could seek out another.  We have the ability to make what we want out of life.  It's all in our perspective.

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